Carrying traffic and heavy cargo

Carrying traffic and heavy cargo

Carrying traffic and heavy cargo


Shipments that are not easily separable from each other and whose dimensions exceed the limits specified in the regulations should be observed in certain technical and safety conditions when they are transported. These conditions include determining the appropriate type of vehicle, the speed of movement, the time of movement, the direction of the carriage and the necessary forecasts to prevent damage to road and infrastructure facilities and the occurrence of accidents.
To transport traffic cargo, one of the traffic transport companies that has a license to carry such cargoes also these companies must obtain a pass from the Organization of Road Maintenance and Transportation to carry such cargo.

Vehicle criteria for carrying traffic

cargo.Breaking Belt: A backhoe is a non-stationary loading vehicle in the form of an insole with a fracture at the beginning and width equal to or greater than the insoles with the height of the loading surface less than the bottom. This loader is usually used to carry heavy and concentrated and indistinguishable goods. Traditionally, 5-axis and 11-axis breakers are used in Iran, which is carried by this device is part of the heavy group.
⁶ Boji: But Bozhi is like a back-breaker that has unstable loading with variable axles, with the difference that in Boji hydraulic power distribution system has been used to carry heavy and indistinguishable goods. With a bogie machine, due to the possibility of increasing and decreasing the axis, you can move almost any type of weight.
Speed of movement: In order to ensure the safety of traffic, prevent accidents and save lives, the speed of the freight vehicles when moving on the roads is limited due to their length, width, height and weight.
• Time of departure: The time of departure of freight vehicles outside the dimensions and standard weights according to different seasons is from half an hour after sunrise to half an hour before sunset. Obviously, these vehicles will not have the right to move during the holidays.
⁶ Determining the route of transportation: Before carrying the passage route according to the dimensions and weight of the cargo and considering the obstacles of the route such as passageways, tunnels, bridges, slopes and bolts are determined. Necessary
predictions to prevent road damage and technical buildings and provide safety of the passage and review.

What are the rules and regulations of traffic freight in Iran?

Any vehicle whose dimensions and weight exceeds or exceeds one of the following size and weight limits after loading the cargo, shall be subject to the regulations of the traffic cargoes and for their traffic and use of public roads and roads, a pass must be issued. Such vehicles are called traffic vehicles according to the regulations and their cargo.
• Width : greater than 2.60 m • Length: for 5 axle and 5 axles up vehicles more than 16.5 m

• Height: From the floor to the highest height of cargo more than 4.5 meters
• Weight: How did the cargo start with a vehicle above 5 axes more than 40 tons
of heavy and superheavy cargo in Iran?
Since the beginning of the 1940s, our beloved country Iran has advanced to industrialization, naturally, such progress is necessary in the first place of the development of the electricity industry, so to complete the power in the capital of Tehran Shahriar power plant was constructed. The winner of its tender was the famous American company, General Electric, and of course, the heaviest time it needed to disembark from the Persian Gulf and the American ship and deliver it to Shahriar was a 100-ton transformer.
And as II guess no one in the whole country could carry that kind of baggage at that time. There was a crane hire firm called Relief that managed to get this load to its destination with just one crushing trailer.
Then the French company “Anderpoz” entered the field and concluded super-heavy transportation projects by importing a bogie machine built by the Schuld factory along with two special Mack tractors it brought from France and the United States. SETI became the first Iranian bogey-dar company by purchasing them.
Then, in parallel with the increase of heavy and ultraheavy loads, transportation companies as well as people interested in transportation industry issues bought bogies with different axes and imported to the country. Until today, thanks to God, we are self-sufficient in heavy and heavy transportation.
What does the word bogey mean?
Bogi is a French word that means axis, and bogeys are driven by the pressure of hydraulic oil that is applied to them. Depending on the weight of each cargo, the number of axes can be increased or decreased. Naturally, the heavier the load, the more axles needed, and, of course, the higher the number of tractors needed.

What was the world’s heaviest carry-on and where did it happen?

It was the Russian space shuttle in 2008 that weighed more than 70 tons on a sixteen-axle trailer and was carried from construction site to launch site. An event witnessed by more than 15,000 people along the way.

Who are the drivers escorting traffic cargo and what is their duty?

Vehicles that move in front and behind the cargo and provide road security by carrying signs and warning equipment and interacting with other vehicles and vehicles. They should carry yellow light and red flags, electric blinkers, first aid kits and fire extinguishers.

Dimensions and weights of traffic transport | Examining 42 articles of dimensions of road
transport a) Rules of weight of Article 23) Traffic transport companies are obliged to load vehicles carrying traffic cargo before issuing bill of lading and receiving
a traffic license, weighing and weighing axial groups and gross weight (total weight of the vehicle with the cargo) with the rules of transportation of

cargo in the roads and Table number … Annex 1 of this directive.
Vehicles whose loading has not been carried out in accordance with the permitted axial weights are under no circumstances allowed to travel on the roads of the country.
Note 1
If the total weight of the truck carrying the cargo (weight of the cargo + the weight of the vehicle) is more than 62 tons, the cargo shall be inseparable and the cargo carrier more than one is prohibited.
Note 2: If the road
police detect or request the Organization of Road Maintenance and Road Transport of the province of the vehicle to control random weights of axial groups of vehicles carrying traffic cargoes in an appropriate and flat place and in case of violations, they will act in accordance with the provisions of chapter 10 of this directive.
In this case, if there is no change in the cargo or the way it is loaded along the route, the number of random weighing of the vehicle on each route (origin to destination) shall not exceed two times, the second time of which is done by the opinion of the head of the provincial police station.
Note 3 The weighing of traffic vehicles should be carried out in the appropriate place that has a smooth surface of at least 2 times the length of the vehicle and the scales have been leveled and in case of
weighing on a non-more surfaceThe asphalt and the asphalt are calculated based on the amount of error allowed by the manufacturer.
Article 24) Sliding trailers and pipe loaders if they have the material conditions … They are in the category of breakers and can be based on the axial arrangement according to the axial weights of the backbreakers subject matter … Loading and trafficking.
Article 25) Vehicles carrying superheavy cargoes can pass over existing technical buildings based on the axial load and gross weight mentioned in the following tables, and traffic of vehicles carrying traffic and superheavy cargoes outside the mentioned tables is prohibited from the bridges located in the route and must pass through the bridges.

Note 1

In the case of restricted passing, the carriage width shall be closed and the vehicle carrying the cargo must pass through the route alone, in which case the maximum speed of the vehicle shall not exceed 10 km per hour.

Note 2

If the total weight of bogey and cargo in the case of vehicles referred to in this article is less than or equal to 96 tons, traffic transport companies can pull the bogey and cargo with a maximum speed of 5 km/h by means of a winch or towing device in a span to the other side of the bridge, and the roads and transportation departments Copper length is also obligated to cooperate in this regard, subject to the provisions of Note 1 of Article 26.
Article 26) Traffic transport companies are not allowed to pass vehicles carrying traffic goods over bridges that for technical reasons have lower weight limits than permitted loading of vehicles or axial groups, or because of their high weight they are unable to bear the burden of a vehicle carrying cargoes according to the table set out in Article 25, and are included in the traffic license. This face must pass through their passages.

Note 1
Traffic Transportation
Companies are obliged 24 hours before the transit time of bridges that do not have the right to cross and are included in the traffic license, inform the Department of Roads and Road Transportation and the department is also obliged to take measures within one working day after the announcement of the traffic transport company to pass the bridges, measures It is necessary to dispatch the representative to monitor the passage of the cargoes through bridges at the time of transit and the expedition representative to complete the passing of bridges in the minutes of the meeting in accordance with the form attached in two copies.
A copy of the completed form must be accompanied by the vehicle until the cargo is discharged and, if necessary, submitted to the police for the purpose of control.

Note 2
Observing the provisions of this article is not mandatory for the movement of vehicles without loads.

Note 3:
If the bridge with limitations on the route does not have a bypass and it is not possible to construct, the transportation companies are required to use alternative routes.

Article 27) The General Transportation and Transportation Administrations are obliged to notify the Ministry of Road Maintenance and Transportation of the country in case of changes in the loading capacity of their protected bridges, along with the technical calculations necessary to be considered and approved in the list of bridges with limitations.


until the bridge capacity limitThe subject of this article has not been approved by the country’s Road Maintenance and Transportation Organization, none of the monitoring agencies ( Road Police with the Directorate General of Roads and Road Transportation of the province) are not authorized to prevent the traffic of vehicles.
In case of preventing the traffic of the vehicle, the monitoring device is responsible for compensating the costs imposed on the traffic transport company and the owner of the goods according to the current regulations of the country.

Article twenty-eight) If the traffic cargo, including vehicles such as bulldozer, loader, grader, excavator, etc. Transportation companies are allowed to pass the bridge without damage and damage to the road facilities and the vehicle must re-load the cargo without the cargo.
Such measures in traffic transportation are considered as crossing the bridge and the transportation departments are obliged to cooperate in accordance with the provisions of Note 1 of Article 26.

Article 29) The responsibility for the construction of the roadside in the case of bridges located on the route that have a limited load capacity is the responsibility of the traffic transport company and the General Transportation and Transport Departments are required to cooperate with the transportation companies in the construction of the roadways in such a way that the facilities and technical buildings of the road do not harm.


In order to be economically constructing roadways in important traffic transportation routes, traffic transportation companies can construct a number of sidewalks permanently and take responsibility for their restoration and maintenance.

(b) Sliding
and detached loadings of varying lengths used for long cargo shall meet the following conditions:
If they have a total length of more than 25 meters and the weight of 44 tons of rear axles of the trailer, they shall have the ability to steer along with the puller.
If their length is greater than 40 meters and up to 50 meters, in the connected loaders (pipes) must have a rotating plate at a loading point attached to the cargo in addition to the steering feature.

In case of having a length of more than 50 meters on the disconnected loaders (pipes) in addition to the steering feature, they must have a rotating plate at the beginning and end of the loading dock connected to the cargo.

(c) Provisions of the width of Article 31) Shipments that are more than 9 metro or three times the width of the vehicle and have a total height of more than 4 meters shall be transported by large width
loaders (half side or sidebyside).
Article 32) If the total width of the vehicles is between 4 and 6 meters, traffic transport companies shall be obliged to inform the police officers along the way and receive the opinion of the road police on whether or not they are required to accompany the vehicle.
Article 33) If the width of the cargo and the vehicle is more than 6 meters, one of the vehicles belonging to the road police shall accompany the vehicle carrying traffic consignment along the route and, if necessary, direct the traffic of other vehicles and their possible stop.
Therefore, traffic transport companies are required to coordinate the local police along the way.

Note 1

In subways and rural roads and roads where police supervision is not done permanently, the traffic transport company is obliged to appoint one of the trained escorts with all appropriate equipment and warning signs to do so and to direct other vehicles.


2 The police officers of the road can assume this article if they detect the escort activity related to Note 1 and the traffic transport company is also obliged to cooperate.

Article 34) If the traffic cargoes are placed side by side because they are less than the width of the loader, under no circumstances shall they be left out of the side of the vehicle.

d) Altitude
Article 35) Traffic transport companies are required to carefully examine the route of carrying traffic cargoes in terms of the height limits in the route before obtaining a permit, and all restrictions that have a height less than the height of the vehicle and cargo (such as tunnels, underpasses, water pipes, pedestrian bridges with height limits within the city limits) and the possibility of construction of the bypass and In case of the impossibility of construction of the bypass for the limitations of the route, use other alternative routes.

carrier is responsible for any consequences and damages to the people, incumbents and technical buildings in the path caused by the passage of the cargo.
Article 36) If the height of the vehicle and the cargo is more than 6 meters, the traffic transport companies shall be required to cut off and reconnect the electrical and telephone conductors that meet the road.

Article 37) If there are altitude limits (less than the total height of the vehicle and cargo) related to tunnels and underpasses, traffic transport companies are required to inform the Department of Roads and Road Transportation of the tunnel at least 24 hours before the time of the passage of the tunnel and pass the tunnel bypass.

Representatives of the Department of Road Maintenance and Transportation can monitor the passage of the vehicle through the tunnel bypass, in order to ensure that vehicles pass through the tunnel bypass, at the time announced by the traffic transport company.

Note Note
1 of Article 26 in the implementation of this article in the passage of tunnels is also mandatory.
Article 38) If the height of the vehicle and the cargo exceeds the permitted height of the railway crossings, traffic transport companies shall inform the regional railway company to pass on the adjacent rail of the crossing and then pass over the authorized rail with the coordination of the representative of the regional railway company.

Note 1 of Article 26 is mandatory in the implementation of this article considering the Regional Roads Company instead of the General Directorate of Terminals and Road Transportation.
Article 39) Construction of the bypass in the case of tunnels and railway crossings with a height limit is also subject to the provisions of Article 17 of this directive and its note.
Article 40) Carriage of high (tall) cargo whose height above ground after loading is more than 5 meters by trailers whose height of the loading surface (trailer) is more than 1/2 meters is prohibited.

Article 41) If the traffic cargo is placed on top of each other due to their height below the permitted limit, their total height shall not exceed 4.5 meters under any circumstances.

Equipment and warning
signs Article 42) For the movement of a vehicle carrying traffic consignments, escort vehicles shall be made aware of traffic traffic by installing necessary warning signs and equipment. Exhibitions.

The number of escort vehicles required is determined as follows: